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Documented Traceability

Liquid dispensing Quality management uses quality assurance and control of processes as well as products to achieve more consistent quality.

SmartDispenser® air free technology is designed to provide solutions supporting today’s quality management systems, such as ISO 9000.  Below are steps to implementing the SmartDispenser® product to support quality processes.

  • Master Capabilities Report
    • Master Capabilities Report is created by a closed-loop study and used to generate the Program Specification.
  • Dispense Program Specification
    • Program Specification contains the dispense program, syringe size, dispense tip plus other instructions for the SmartDispenser® operator.  The Program Specification is distributed to every operator worldwide for a specific product assembly.  The specification can be stored on the SmartDispenser® for on screen viewing at the touch of an icon.
  • Work instructions
    • Work instructions provide step by step instructions on how to deliver the assembly fluid to properly bond the product.  
  • Security Preventing Unauthorized Changes
    • Three levels of security – Supervisor, Administrator and User – are available.  Program locally or program remotely over the cloud.
  • Master Programmer
    • One individual, such as the quality manager, is assigned as the master programmer. All programs and all program changes are controlled by this one individual.
  • Real-time Data Reports
    • Document verifying key data from the point of dispense. The program used for each dispense is one of many data points automatically documented by the SmartDispenser® allowing verification the Program Specification was 100% complied with.
  • Visual Verification
    • Visual verification from the point of dispense via a live video feed to any laptop, desktop or smart phone. Verify syringe and dispense tips comply 100% with the Product Specification.
  • Closed-loop Feedback
    • Install an AD4212B Analytical Weighting Sensor in the production cell, initiate the scale function and receive verification the proper amount of fluid was dispensed.
  • Calibration
    • Calibration Station installed in quality control lab. Each installed SmartDispenser® manufacturing products is put on a calibration cycle. Every calibration is compared to the Master Capabilities Report for a pass fail.

Total process control, documentation of process and verification of process are the core quality management principles of SmartDispenser® air free fluid dispense technology.