All hail the next Industrial Revolution. If you’re counting, this one is number four, and it’s referred to as Industry 4.0. This new evolution of manufacturing is all about the way computers and automated machines join forces to create a much-improved production environment requiring less human effort resulting in a reduction of errors. Much of this is being made possible through the use of algorithms.
A Sticky Question Remains
When will the makers of fluid dispensing systems embrace algorithms? Given that manufacturers rely on this technology when assembling their products, it is of paramount importance that these systems rise to the level necessary to meet the demands of Industry 4.0.
If, however, you evaluate all of the fluid dispensers on the market today, it would appear that most makers of fluid dispensing systems don’t even have algorithms on their radar screens.Fortunately, there is one product with the ability to apply algorithms to a mechanical drive system. It’s the SmartDispenser® with AlgorithmicControl™ and patented AirFree® Technology from Fishman® Corporation.
An Early Adopter of Algorithms
Fishman® Corporation has long realized that using compressed air as a means of actuating a mechanical drive for the purpose of dispensing fluids is, at best, impractical. The first, and perhaps most obvious issue with these types of outdated systems is the high cost to own and operate them. Compressed air is inherently volatile and inefficient, meaning that running such a system will necessitate spending more money.
The second, and more significant issue with utilizing compressed air to dispense fluids is directly related to the instability of gas, which air is, because it results in a lack of process control and production standardization. Air produces variables that make it impossible for “dumb” controllers on a production line to perform with consistency. Only with the assistance of algorithm-driven controllers such as the SmartDispenser®, can manufacturers gain precision and control and, in doing so, achieve maximum productivity, yields, and profit.
AlgorithmicControl™ Allows Fluid Dispensers to Advance to Industry 4.0
The AlgorithmicControl™ available only with the SmartDispenser® is the key to achieving optimum precision in fluid dispensing because it allows for the delivery of fluid deposits with the highest degree of repeatability. It also makes adjustments far simpler because parameters such as fluid deposit size and speed are numerical inputs instead of hit-or-miss calculations. This helps to mitigate the impact of an epoxy’s changing viscosity on the fluid deposit volume, and makes workstation-to-workstation performance standardization possible. In doing all of this, manufacturers are able to usher in the next Industrial Revolution.
The Benefits of Adopting Algorithms: Read All About It
You can learn more about how to benefit from the SmartDispenser® with AlgorithmicControl™ and patented AirFree® Technology by reading the recently published White Paper entitled: Adopting Algorithms. It lays out an airtight case of the many reasons why manufacturers need to stop using fluid dispense systems utilizing compressed air as the drive system to assemble products. It goes on to explain how the use of compressed air creates an erratic and unsafe environment, triggering numerous risks that threaten validation, as well as product quality, and safety.
If after reading our White Paper, you want to learn more about how the SmartDispenser® can bring the power of algorithms to bear on your capacity to assemble products, please visit our website, www.fishmancorp.com.