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Companies Must Adhere to Good Manufacturing Practice (GMP)

Good manufacturing practice (GMP) is a set of rules and regulations that must be adhered to in a manufacturing plant to ensure the quality of the products being manufactured. It’s not a list of instructions as to how the product should be manufactured, but rather general guidelines that must be met during the manufacturing process. […]

The Benefits of Automated Testing in Manufacturing

Investing in automated solutions in the manufacturing industry has become necessary in order to meet and exceed the increasingly high expectations of consumers in regards to the production of high-quality products in large volumes at reasonable costs. The integration of electronic devices, big data, and the internet of things (IoT) is what continues to drive […]

How Fiber Optics Improves Shore Line Defense

Fiber optics technology has many applications in a variety of industries including communications, manufacturing, and defense. Compared to other technologies, fiber optics has fewer associated costs, higher bandwidth capacity, and saves energy. It also has an important usage in the defense industry. Here’s more information about how fiber optics can help your business: Fiber Lasers […]

Manufacturing and the Age of Connectivity

We live in a connected world.  Through our smart devices including phones, tablets, and more we are constantly connected via the Internet through a phone network, Wi-Fi, or both. In addition to being connected to other people we are also connected to other technologies. For example, with just a few taps on one of our […]

The Increasing Adoption of Apps in the Manufacturing Workplace

It’s true that apps are a definite part of our culture. There are countless apps on the Apple App Store and Google Play (compatible with Android devices) and new apps are being released all the time. The number of app downloads are now in the billions. As these numbers continue to grow one thing is […]

3 Steps to Fixing Supply Chain Disruptions

Manufacturing supply chains continue to grow more complex and are likely to now include suppliers from locations across the world. While it’s beneficial to have access to these suppliers in order to select the best possible products, a complex supply chain that includes many suppliers from multiple locations can also pose challenges. For example, what […]

Outsourcing of Electronic Manufacturing Services (EMS) by OEMs

In today’s manufacturing environment, it’s common to outsource some or all of the process. An OEM (original equipment manufacturer) selects a contract manufacturer to manufacture its parts. As a company grows, outsourcing work can save time and money compared to manufacturing every part in house. In other words, it is important to outsource to the […]

Manufacturing and Environmental Responsibility

Threats to our environment continue to grow which has resulted in government regulations and increased consumer awareness. Consumers believe that companies need to be conscious of what they are putting out into the environment and believe in corporate social responsibility. As consumers become eco-friendly, they are also interested in supporting environmentally conscious/responsible manufacturers that strive […]

Manufacturing Must Go Digital to Improve User Experience

Why are so many people opting to buy Smartphones as opposed to “dumb” phones and frequently using web applications such as Twitter and Facebook? The answer is clear. These tools and applications make life easier. The answers to our questions and the opinions of those that we admire are right there with a few clicks […]

Leading Indicators vs. Lagging Indicators in Manufacturing

A manufacturing process must continually be monitored and improved upon in order to remain competitive in today’s manufacturing environment. To understand and predict performance, manufacturers rely on leading indicators and lagging indicators that can help plan for future events and authenticate previous efforts. Each organization must determine the right balance of leading and lagging indicators […]