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Small Manufacturers Should Invest in Green Initiatives

It’s true that manufacturers should invest in green initiatives. Not only is this better for the environment, but it’s good for business. Here’s more information about how small manufacturers should make more of an effort to go green: Green Initiatives Are Rising According to ASSEMBLY Magazine’s  State of the Profession study, green manufacturing initiatives are on the […]

5 Tips and Tricks for Using Epoxies as Adhesives

Epoxies are attractive adhesives because of their strength and their ability to suit almost any application. Epoxies can be used as adhesives for wood, metal, glass, stone, and some plastics and are used in the construction of aircrafts, cars, boats, and more. When using epoxies and adhesives, it is important to get it right. Here […]

Invest in Employee Training to Close the Manufacturing Skills Gap

It is true that there is a skills gap in manufacturing that could pose a problem in the workforce. Once the skills gap is identified, it is a good idea to take measures to close the gap. This can be easily accomplished by training employees. According to the 19th annual ASSEMBLY State of the Profession survey, […]

How Robotics is Solving Manufacturing Problems

Robotics spending is expected to reach $24.5 billion in 2025, up from $16.4 billion in 2020, according to  This is because robots can improve productivity while solving complex problems in specialized industries. The manufacturers that invest in robotics will gain a competitive advantage. Here are 5 ways robotics is solving manufacturing problems: Realtime Communication […]

The Fourth Industrial Revolution is Coming

In an article titled “The Internet of Things to Come” in Aerospace Manufacturing, author Mike Richardson stated, “The fourth industrial revolution is coming – long live the revolution!” As manufacturing production activity continues to grow, it is safe to say that Industry 4.0 has actually arrived. Here’s more information about this: Here’s a look at factors contributing to […]

Key Trends in the Adhesives Industry

The adhesives industry is always evolving. In an issue of Adhesives & Sealants Industry Magazine, ASI outlines some key trends that those in the industry need to pay attention to: In order to meet the expectations of consumers today, manufacturers are increasingly looking for ways to reduce their environmental impact. Research is conducted in order to […]

Electrostatic Discharge (ESD) Safety in a Manufacturing Environment

Electronics manufacturers must adhere to specific ESD, or electrostatic discharge, protocols in order to maintain a safe working environment and ensure product quality. These guidelines are in place to make sure everyone stays safe. Here’s a look what ESD is and how manufacturers can adhere to the rules concerning it: What is ESD and how […]

The Impact of Oil Prices on Manufacturers

At first glance, reduced oil prices appear to have a positive impact on the economy, and specifically, on the manufacturing industry. However, by taking a closer look, it’s not always the case. There are clear “winners” and “losers.” Manufacturers need to understand that oil prices absolutely do have an impact. The impact oil prices have […]

The Advantages of Fiber Optics and why it’s The Way of the Future

Fiber-optic communication, first developed in the 1970s, has played a major role in creating the connected world that we live in today. More than 2 billion kilometers of optical fiber is deployed around the world, connecting people, businesses, communities, countries, and continents in real-time via voice, data, and video. (Source) As consumers’ communication demands continue […]

The Benefits of Adhesive Technologies in Manufacturing

When joining materials in a manufacturing facility, using adhesive technologies is the most efficient process because there are many disadvantages to the alternative techniques. For example, mechanical fastening involves creating holes which can weaken the material and thermal bonding heats the material, which can alter its properties. The benefits of using adhesive technologies in processing […]