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What’s Preventing Manufacturers From Becoming More Energy Efficient

Manufacturers are a significant source of negative environmental impact due to energy intensive processes. Manufacturers are certainly aware of this, but are often missing out on opportunities to reduce their environmental impact associated with their core operations. Why? There Are Concerns With Changing Production Technique   Many manufacturers worry that changing production techniques to address […]

The Industrial Internet of Things and the Future of Manufacturing

The Internet of Things (IoT) is the term used to describe the billions of “things”, or devices, that are connected to the Internet. Embedded with electronics, software, sensors and connectivity, these “things” can be controlled remotely to exchange data with users and other connected devices. In the manufacturing industry, the integration of machinery, shipments, infrastructure, […]

3 Important Manufacturing Trends that Will Shape the Future

It’s an exciting time for manufacturers. In fact, manufacturing is “undeniably in the midst of a technological renaissance that is transforming the look, systems, and processes of the modern factory.” (Source) In order to remain competitive, manufacturers must embrace these changes and invest in the processes and technology of today and the future. When it […]

Trends that Are Elevating U.S. Manufacturing Operations

There are many trends that have come about over the past few years that have elevated manufacturing options in the United States. For many years, offshoring manufacturing operations was a popular option. While innovation has been strong in the U.S., the production and manufacturing operations were sent overseas where labor costs were lower. Today, there […]

3D Printing in Manufacturing: Where Are We Today?

3D printing, or additive manufacturing, which creates 3D solid objects from digital design, has been around since the 1980’s. Yet, adoption has been slow outside of a few industries. It’s been discussed as a manufacturing “technology of the future” for many years now. In our own blog postfrom just a few years ago we said: 3D […]

Manufacturers Must Be Open to Change

Most of us desire change on a regular basis, but manufacturers can be a little slower to catch up. Think about it this way – Why do you think people get a new cell phone every few years (or less)? It’s because they want the “next big thing”. As technology improves, they want the better […]

The Benefits of Smart Manufacturing

There is certainly no shortage of smart technologies in our lives. We have our smartphones, smart TVs, and smart watches. It seems to make sense that we also have “smart manufacturing.” Smart manufacturing, or SM, like everything else that’s smart, utilizes connectivity and real-time access to data to improve a process.  If you’re looking for […]

The Manufacturing Skills Gap and What Can be Done

One of the biggest challenges facing the manufacturing sector today is the skills gap that exists among the workforce. As studies have shown, this gap is only getting worse. There are, however, plenty of things manufacturers can do to close this gap. Here’s more information: According to a Manufacturing Institute study: The skills gap is widening, […]

The Benefits of Automated Quality Inspection

On your shop floor, who is responsible for verifying product quality? What was once handled by production line operators or quality technicians is now handled by automated quality inspection systems. For manufacturers across all industries an inspection system and process can be highly customized in order to meet specific machinery needs. There are multiple, additional […]

4 Ways to Minimize Downtime in a Manufacturing Facility

In a manufacturing facility “downtime” can be a problem. Downtime means lost productivity and revenue along with increased stress. On a small scale, some downtime is to be expected, and may even be planned for. However, it’s best to keep it at a minimum. Are you looking to minimize downtime? Here are 4 steps to […]