Buying fluid dispensing systems doesn’t have to be a lonely experience, but it very well might be if you purchase adhesive dispensers from any company other than Fishman® Corporation. Manufacturers that choose the SmartDispenser® with AlgorithmicControl™ and patented AirFree® Technology from Fishman® get to enjoy an experience where they never feel abandoned. Of course, the other makers of fluid dispense systems will promise you a high level of service and support, but they won’t be able to deliver on it. What follows are the many things Fishman® does to create an experience for its customer that is unlike any other.
There’s a Lot Behind The Fishman® Experience
Manufacturers are first drawn to Fishman® thanks to our unique technologies, such as AlgorithmicControl™ and patented AirFree® Technology. But that’s just the beginning, because the Fishman® Experience is supported by multiple layers of incredible service and support. It starts with how we package and sell our fluid dispense systems. We offer Program Choices that make selecting and ordering the best possible systems for your specific application incredibly easy and affordable.
Moreover, should your production needs grow, you can rest easy knowing that every Program Choice is upgradeable to the next level. This simplifies the scalability of your production line and ensures that your initial investment in Fishman® is never lost. This simple, affordable approach is why the SmartDispenser® is considered the most flexible fluid dispense system on the market today.
The Advantages Keep Piling Up
There are many more benefits to choosing Fishman®. There’s our top-tier customer service and sales personnel. There’s also our one-of-a-kind Validation Support Program (VSP). Not only is it offered to you free of charge, but it also makes purchasing a SmartDispenser® totally foolproof. That’s because if the system you want to buy doesn’t perform exactly the same at your facility as it did in ours, you simply walk away from the deal, with no cash out and no hard feelings. And, as you might expect from Fishman®, support for your SmartDispenser® continues with our unrivaled application assistance and technical service.
Both are offered to you with real, live people, instead of with impersonal tele-tech and computer-aided apps. Moreover, thanks to the vast fluid dispensing knowledge Fishman® brings to the table, the SmartDispenser® features the best design and is of the finest quality. In addition, our experienced manufacturing team ensures that the impact of supply chain issues is minimized to the greatest extent possible, meaning that your production needs are never slowed down or held back.
The Fishman® Experience is Really Real
The Fishman® Experience is real, not some cooked up marketing ploy. If you remain a bit skeptical, we leave you with the fact that many engineers who are already realizing the advantages of the Fishman® Experience recommend us to their colleagues. This is quite gratifying, because it confirms that the Fishman® Experience is really something the manufacturing industry is getting behind. We hope you’ll soon want to take advantage of it as well. To learn more about it, please visit, www.fishmancorp.com.