Reduction of Human Error SmartApps™
Customize your SmartDispenser® with the Barcode Scanning – Operator Training Verification SmartApp™

Once the Barcode Scanning – Operator Training Verification SmartApp™ is installed, the Administrator can activate the SmartApp™ allowing verification that the operator had been properly trained before beginning the actual production run. This prevents untrained operators from logging onto the system and running production.
Operation Sequence:
- The operator scans training verification identification barcode.
- SmartDispenser® finds the machine name and the operator identification in the database.
- If operator training barcode number matches, the operator is allowed to proceed with production.
- If operator training barcode number does not match the SmartDispenser® sends message “Operator Not Trained,” which can only be cleared with administrator’s password.
Important data is also automatically recorded with this SmartApp™
- Device History Record Automatically Recorded in an Excel CSV file.
- Verification date is recorded.
- Verification time is recorded.
- Operator training verification identification is recorded.
- Incorrect operator verification identification codes are recorded.