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SmartReporting™ delivers production data when and where you need it.

SmartReporting™ enables the SmartDispenser® to automatically track critical daily production data. This is significant because it ensures the data is accurately recorded and fully secure. And, with no human involvement, the data is 100% error free, which means management can totally trust it.

See how SmartDispensers® can live an even longer and more productive life.

The way equipment makers force their wasteful design model on manufacturers is borderline criminal. Fishman® does the right thing by offering SmartRecycling™. It saves manufacturers hundreds of thousands in equipment costs, while assuring they always have the latest technology. To learn more, watch this video.

Make no mistake, SmartScanning™ removes human error from fluid dispensing.

SmartScanning™ takes the human element, and the errors that come with it, out of executing various commands that are part of assembly processes. Moreover, it eliminates the time and expense to program an expensive PLC, and offers relevant production data to management. It’s a win-win-win. To learn more, watch this video.

Precision, control and data: a triumvirate for success

For years fluid dispense systems lacked the ability to deliver high levels of precision and control. That was not a major disadvantage since in the past many applications simply did not require heightened degrees of accuracy and command. But as applications became more sophisticated, the means of assembly had to follow suit. Unfortunately, fluid dispensers […]

Don’t let air bubbles getting into your assembly fluids put you in a lather

Air bubbles have a number of ways of getting into adhesive fluids. They can get in during fluid formulation and during the assembly process when manufacturers inject air into the packaging offered by formulators. Air bubbles can also emerge when working with frozen assembly fluids during the thawing process, as well as when mixing two-component […]

It’s no surprise manufacturers are sold on the Buy Back Program

Fishman® Innovation is on full display with advancements such as AlgorithmicControl™ and patented AirFree® Technology. They and many other innovations make the SmartDispenser® a one-of-a-kind fluid dispense system. Fishman® has also been known to think beyond technology in order to best serve its many customers. One such example includes the Buy Back Program, which is […]

SmartAutomation™ allows for the application of algorithms to the fluid axis.

The AirFree® LinearDrive™ System with SmartAutomation™ lets manufacturers apply algorithms to the fluid-dispensing axis. Algorithms managing the SmartDispenser® in coordination with those controlling multiple robot axes result in unprecedented control of fluid deposits and fluid beading. To learn more, watch this video.