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5 Reasons Medical Device Manufacturers use Cyanoacrylates and the SmartDispenser®

1. They Require Cyanoacrylates and   Repeatability of Dispense 2.They Use Cyanoacrylates or other Difficult to Dispense Fluids 3.They Want Touch Screen and User Friendly Graphics for Cyanoacryaltes 4.They Insist on Flexibility for Future Automation of Cyanoacrylate Dispensing 5.They are Ready for Electronic Validation Technology for Cyanoacrylate Dispensing and let me add # 6 because I keep hearing it and just came up […]

The Magic of Fiber Optics…Right Up There with the ATM

 No one gave a better perspective on the almost unimaginable way fiber optics work and how ubiquitous they have become than this fiber optic pioneer from Abilene TX;   “they are like ATM machines, there is so much going on behind the curtain, that most of us don’t ask any questions about them.  Few of us  could ever have conceived of how easy, accurate […]

“That 70’s Show”….You got some S’Plaining to do!

The last few blogs El Presidente has been telling you how the SmartDispenser® saves.  Well as Ricky Ricardo once said to Lucy, Lucy, let me S’plain!  There are two applications El Presidente would like to tell you about.  AirFree™ technology has been chosen to dispense radioactive iodine into a gel cap for the treatment of […]