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The US Medical Device Industry is a Success Story, So Why is Washington Taxing it to its’ Demise?

As a long time vendor to the medical device industry, Fishman® Corporation supports the efforts of the Medical Device Manufacturers Association, the  Medical Imaging & Technology Alliance (MITA) and the Advanced Medical Technology Association (AdvaMed) to repeal the onerous medical device tax that threatens U.S. jobs, medical innovation and patient care. Here we have a thriving manufacturing segment […]

Great Article by AJ Sweatt, 5 Ways Gamification and Apps can Help Manufacturing

A “young’ colleague of mine recently sent me this article by AJ Sweatt.  I had no idea that “gamification” had reached into manufacturing.  Corporate giant Seimens has designed the game Plantville for the training of Plant Managers.  They even have their own Youtube MultiMedia Room! Quoting from the article; Improving The Image Of Manufacturing – Perhaps the […]

Fluid Dispensing for Manufacturing; Rosie the Riveter and Ben Franklin the Apprentice

 We manufacture fluid dispensing equipment to  manufacturers. What does US manufacturing really need to do to regain its’ prominence as the world’s greatest builder of products? Many believe that a big part of the solution lies our ability to increasingly attract trained, skilled, hard working employees like Rosie and Ben….. younger and older versions. As this short video on the  21st Century Manufacturing  and […]

SmartDispenser® Tip: Use iPad to program

Did you know you could access and program all of your SmartDispensers™ using a single Apple iPad?  Simply connect your SmartDispensers™ to the local server or the local Wi-Fi network.  Using your iPad access your LogMeIn professional account.  Every SmartDispenser® is provided with a lifetime subscription to LogMeIn Professional.  Contact your sales representative if you […]

That 70’s Show is Spinning Tales Again and El Presidente must Rebut! (Part 1)

Recently a member of the “That 70’s Show” community put out information that, in El Presidente’s opinion, is not factually correct.  As the seeker of truth and facts, El Presidente must rebut this feeble attempt at spinning the facts. For all of you new to this blog, El Presidente refers to the competition as “That 70’s […]